Wildstorm news, Jaunary 2001

This article was published in January 2001's "Wildstorm News", a half-page preview feature that runs in Wildstorm's comics.

If you're anything like me, the world stops making sense just a little bit more every day: paradigms shift like raw mercury as our perceptions are tuned upside-down, our beliefs tested and shattered by a host of ephiphanies. Black becomes white. White becomes black. And, by and large, we can't quite tell the good form the bad anymore.

Not unlike what it must be like to live at the heart of the Wildstorm universe. Just ask former weatherman Jackson King. A one-time government super-hero of the now defunct StormWatch, Jackson King and his companion, Christine Trelane, had their perception altered drastically on more than one occasion.

Now, in the coming months, the talented Mister King and his new bride are going to do their level best to alter your perceptions, courtesy of myself, penciller John McCrea (Jenny Sparks), and inker Garry Leach (Hitman).

On the streets of America, the lines dividing notions of order and chaos, good and evil, free will and destiny have come tumbling down. In shadowed places across the nation, former black-ops agents and super humans have been consripted into service to a divine agency, an organisation in which syncronicity alone provides the blueprint for an emerging New World Order. Welcome to the world of The Monarchy

If the Authority are the earth's moran hammer, then the Monarchy's shadow agents are a scalpel: a cold, bright blade slicing deep into the heart of the Wildstorm universe. "Why a scalpel?" you ask.

Because the world has fallen ill and the diagnosis isn't for sweetness and light. Surgery is required, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you enjoy the first cut.

-Doselle Young,
Writer of the Monarchy

Preachin' form the shadows

Written by Doselle Young. Copyright Wildstorm comics 2001